March 18th 10:00 am to 11:00  am | Sustainability 101 | Carbon Accounting Explained by KPMG | What is carbon accounting and how and why can organizations use carbon accounting as a tool to measure their carbon impacts. With growing pressure from board, investors and regulators this session will help organizations prepare for a rapidly decarbonizing economy .


March 30, 2021| 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm |Business Townhall Discussion with Leader of the Opposition Honourable Erin O’toole
Join the Burnaby Board of Trade for this engaging discussion with the Honourable Erin O'Toole, Leader of the federal Official Opposition.
This event will feature a conversation with Erin on the road ahead for Canada, and what the priorities need to be for Canada, BC, and Burnaby to emerge successfully from the COVID-19 pandemic.


April 8th, 10:00 am to 11:00 am Sustainability 101 | Sustainable procurement is a powerful tool to transform business models and strengthen the economic resilience of communities. In this workshop you’ll have the opportunity to hear first -hand from leaders in three different sectors on the first and next steps to implementing a sustainable supply chain, and the barriers and opportunities in its implementation.

February 26th 8:30 am to 9:30  am | NRG | Referral Networking Group

Online NRG Mornings are a digital events with facilitated activities to help build business relationships.  Discuss and promote your business, identify and cultivate potential referrals, make new contacts, and deepen business relationships during this online networking event


Thursday February 18th  | 4:30 pm to 5:30 – Member Mixer

Tired of Zoom? Why not try something new!

Connect with new faces and old friends, join conversations, and mingle in our reception 'room' at this casual, virtual members mixer with the Burnaby Board of Trade. 

Using an innovative new platform, you will move around our 'venue', meeting and chatting with fellow business owners and professionals in a fun and natural way that will help you stay connected and plugged in to the Burnaby business community.   


Wednesday February 17th | 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm |BC’s Eocnomic Recovery with Minister Ravi Khalon

Hear firsthand what is on government's radar as it prepares its first COVID-19 budget, and ask your questions and raise your concerns with the Minister directly at this special presentation for the local business community. 


Wednesday February 17th | all day | Canada 360 Economic Summit

Get a front-row seat for a pivotal day of thought leadership as we convene some of the brightest minds in the Canadian business community for panel discussions, one-on-one conversations and keynote addresses to discuss the challenges businesses are facing because of the pandemic and the innovative ways to foster a sustainable, business-led recovery.


Business-Led Recovery Panel                     

This panel discussion will examine the planning needed and steps required to ensure our businesses and our economy can emerge stronger and more competitive.

Recovering the Hardest Hit Sectors          
This panel will bring together business leaders from some of the hardest-hit sectors of the economy to discuss how they are managing the pandemic, how they are adapting and what targeted supports and policies they need in order to play a leading role in Canada's economic recovery.     

Fireside Chat with Mark Carney  
A discussion with Mark Carney, UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance and Former Bank of Canada Governor.

Stakeholder Capitalism Panel     
This panel will bring together national business leaders to discuss how people, the planet and innovation must figure prominently in Canada's economic recovery.

Canada in a Global Recovery Panel
The global economy is changing and Canada must find a new place within it. This panel will bring together Canadian business leaders to discuss how the Canadian tradition of internationalism will be forced to operate in a dramatically new global environment.


January 24th | 7:45 to 9:45 am | NRG NETWORKING AND REFERRAL GROUP

Join the BBOT's bi monthly morning networking and referral group--- meet new contacts, promote your brand and build your business! Experience the exponential power of networking as facilitated networking activities connect you with person after person during this fun, lively event. Contact Tessa to register.


January 27th | 11:00 am to 12:00 pm | Women Mean Business Leadership Panel 

Connect with fellow professionals during our online, interactive networking reception, before enjoying a facilitated discussion with our four panelists representing a diversity of background, experiences and industries.  Hear thoughts on leadership, entrepreneurship and overcoming adversity, and come away with ideas and inspiration to apply in your own business or career! 

While this event is presented by the Women's Business Success Network, both men and women and welcome and encouraged to attend!  Contact Tessa to register.


  • Supneet Chawla - Founder and CEO, Ace Trades and Technical Institute & Ace Community College 
  • Dr. Leelah Dawson - Dean, School of Business + Media, BCIT 
  • Joy Johnson - President and Vice Chancellor, Simon Fraser University 
  • Ashley Ramsay - Founder and CEO, Yeti Farm Creative 


January 28th | 9:30 am to 10:30 am Management Labour and Employment Law 


Join the Burnaby Board of Trade and lawyer Tim Affoo of Deer Lake Law for a thought-provoking discussion on the benefits of structuring proper employee relationships and the potential risks to employers if employees are not managed properly.

Tim will discuss the employer’s obligation to ensure that their workplace is free of bullying and harassment, and he will summarize the general legislation that governs employment in BC. 

Contact Tessa to register.


January 29th | 8:30 am to 9:30 am |NRG NETWORKING AND REFERRAL GROUP

Online NRG Mornings are a digital events with facilitated activities to help build business relationships.  Discuss and promote your business, identify and cultivate potential referrals, make new contacts, and deepen business relationships during this online networking event! 

Contact Tessa to register.


February 4th |9:30am to 10:45 am Business Digital Security and Ransomeware Webinar 

Join the Burnaby Board of Trade for this valuable and insightful session on digital security, and particular the leading threat of ransomware, with Jeremy Colwell, founder of CPG Systems.  

Attendees will learn about cyber-security concerns for business in general, and will take away information on what ransomware is, how to protect against it, and what to do if your systems become infected.   

Contact Tessa to register.

February 26 | 7:45 to 9:45 am | NRG NETWORKING AND REFERRAL GROUP

Join the BBOT's bi monthly morning networking and referral group--- meet new contacts, promote your brand and build your business! Experience the exponential power of networking as facilitated networking activities connect you with person after person during this fun, lively event. Contact Tessa to register.

 Copyright 2012 Access Program, an initiative of the Burnaby Board of Trade