With help from our program sponsors, BCIT School of Business + Media and Douglas College School of Business, we have been able to grow the program into a robust professional development and leadership program for soon to graduate post-secondary students.

Below is some information to help you understand your role as mentor and provide you with some information about the program in which your student is participating.

Quick Facts:

About the program

·         The program runs runs year long with continuous intake throughout the year.

·         Each student is paired with a mentor and is invited to attend BBOT events, skills development workshops, socials, participate actively in committees and meet regularly with their mentor.

Time Commitment

·         The minimum time requirement of a mentor is three, one hour meetings.

·         Some mentors set up monthly meetings either in person, or by phone.

·         Some mentees will ask you to join them for events outside these three meetings and participating is up to the mentor.

To learn more about the program and the time commitment, as well as the programs goals, about how mentees and mentors are matched, what to expect from your mentee and what your mentee expects from you, please read our complete Mentor Manual.

The newest generation entering the workforce is as fascinating as ever. I admire and am grateful to learn of their curiosity and drive to make their mark as well as their desire for a fulsome work-life balance. I’m pleased to be able to share my experiences and insight to help them clarify their vision and intention and to provide a strong foundation for a successful transition from school into the workforce. “

Meike Krug, Fortis, BC


To become a Mentor,


For further inquiries about the mentor program, please contact Tessa Vanderkop at

For sponsorship inquiries, please contact Paul Holden at or call 604-412-0100

  Copyright 2012 Access Program, an initiative of the Burnaby Board of Trade